Aug 27Liked by Sally French Wessely

Calling on the Angels to surround your family with strength and healing.

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Thank you so much.

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Aug 26Liked by Sally French Wessely

Standing with you in prayer, Sally.

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Thank you so much, Becky,

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Aug 26Liked by Sally French Wessely

😭 so much heartache here Sally and yet you cling to hope and see the blessings and beauty along the way. ❤️ praying that things get sorted out quickly and surgery can go ahead and Amy can be in the road to healing.

I’ll be thinking of you all as you wait 🫂

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Sue you have been such a support through all of this. I hope you know how much that means to me. The waiting, the unknowns, and the powerlessness is so hard, but through it all, as I told you recently, I am being held.

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Aug 31Liked by Sally French Wessely

My prayers are with your family. I am on dialysis again after a five-year hiatus, since March 2022.

My kidneys are failing due to side effect of multiple myeloma (dead MM cells clog tubules of kidneys). I am not eligible for transplant unless and until I have a two-year remission. In nine and half years the longest has been eighteen months.

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Linnea, I am so sorry to read of your own journey with dialysis, and with multiple myeloma. I pray that you will soon meet that two-year remission point so you can be eligible for a kidney. 🙏🏻 Blessing to you.

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Thank you for your prayers, Sally. I'm not sure whether I want a transplant. I did not have a stem cell transplant as is common with MM. I am barely 120 lbs. and with long COVID since December, I am now experiencing shortness of breath and arrythmia. My hope has been The Kidney Project, which is a biokidney implant being developed at UCSF. However human trials are still a ways off. I am 71.

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Oh Sally, there are simply no words. This is such an extraordinary piece of writing from a mother’s heart, and inspiration that defies description. Sending all the love to you and your whole beautiful family, and our prayers here ongoing and support from across the pond that I hope you feel, even if i can’t give it to you as I’d so love to in person (and in the form of so many hugs). So much love to you all, dear friend. ❤️

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Thank you for you supportive and loving words, Jenni. Your ongoing love and prayers are such a gift to me. Hugs. Big ones. 🤗

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Big ones incoming over the Atlantic right back!! 🤗 And so much Thursday love. ❤️XOXO

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Sending a prayer because WoW…I do not know you but when one member of the body suffers so do the others❤️

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Thank you for your kind words of support. I appreciate you stopping by and reading my post, and I appreciate the prayers.

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Oh, Sally, how I wish I could have spared you this nightmare, which you’re written about with such poignant beauty. May my prayers join those of so many who are praying for you and your family. You faith and hope for successful transplant surgery are contagious and I share them fervently.

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Elizabeth, I am so touched by your kind heart of empathy. Thank you for keeping us in prayer and for joining me in this time of such difficulty.

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Aug 26Liked by Sally French Wessely

Words seem so hollow, Sally. But I send love, all good wishes, prayers, hopes for your future, of course for Amy's future, for safe transplants for Amy, Jewett and Keicha. And of course loads of love. Thank you for sharing so very openly. I hope doing so was healing for you.

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Your words are never hollow. Knowing that you are out there joining us in this chapter of our lives means so much. It was healing to write this. I sat at the computer for a long time asking, “Where do I begin?” “What do I say?” Then the words finally tumbled out.

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Aug 25Liked by Sally French Wessely

Sally, I can only imagine, since I am not a mother, what this must be like for you, but in your writing I can feel your love, so deep and strong and full of...fiber is the word that comes to mind. Like a trampoline, just strong and unbreakable. I can feel how strong you are for yourself and your daughter and how strong your love is. thank you so much for sharing this story. And the notes from your journal, "And yet there is provision in those places. There is a well somewhere. There are angels. There are miracles, seen and unseen," and this, "It is not until later that we realize we were always provided for in some miraculous way." Such calm in those words, such beauty and strength and resilience. I am so so relieved to hear she has a donor match for both organs. xoxo

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Thank you, Jocelyn. The trampoline analogy really spoke to me as I find I am being bounced around a lot. 😩 But also, there is an ability to bounce back that is required at such times. My love for both of my girls has no bounds. It is hard to know both of them could be under the surgeons’ knives on the same day, but we hope that great good health will come from it.

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Aug 25Liked by Sally French Wessely

My heart goes out to you…you captured a mother’s love and agony.

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Thank you so much Sarah. We’re spending a lot of time up by the old Fitzsimmon’s Hospital. I think of you each time we drive by.

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